When living in Albuquerque we often went up to the Jemez Wilderness. Great rocks to climb on and a clear mountain stream in which to escape the heat. The Boys loved it and played endless games. They never wanted to leave.
Reflections on my time: Past, present, and future
Donna Brazil was on some morning show apologizing for him saying “well he’s already said he disagreed with the rev. what else do you want him to do.” Well you’ll pardon me if I’m skeptical Mz. Brazil, but it wouldn’t be the first time a candidate lied to get into office. Obama’s with the guy for 20 years as his spiritual advisor, he married him and baptized his girls, but oh no he had no idea the good reverend had such seditious and objectionable views. Well sir you are a fool or a liar, either way I don’t want you near the White House.
Remember when Obama refused to wear the American flag on his lapel? His wife for the first time in her life is proud of America. 20 years with this Jew hating America slandering Rev. Wright. It all makes sense now…he hates this country and Demo sheep are trying to get him elected to the highest office in the land.
I clicked on the wrong section. these comments really should go with the Obama stuff. I wish to apologize to the Gomma Googma men, I have no gripe with you.
Right on! He's either a fool or a lier. In the end it is all about judgement. At the least he has not shown good judgement for most of 20 years.
I agree. I think Obama may have fooled a bunch of people. Either that or like you said he's got really bad judgment. McCain or Hillary would be a fine president I guess, but Obama is looking pretty sneaky and dastardly. How does he have that crazy preacher, that he knows will be a future problem, on his staff for so long?? That's proof of a serious lack of judgment by itself, let alone Rezco and even attending wright's church.
So anyway, what I'm getting to should be obvious... Ron Paul is the only one who can save America. You know it's true. hahah.
the gomma gooma gods are angry. they must be appeased. let us sacrifice obama, hillary....and well the whole lot of them. mccain included. (definitely include him..)
long live the goomas!
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