Saturday, March 15, 2008

Obama and Reverend Wright

I believe Obama's 20 year association with the Rev. Wright reveals more about Obama than most of the media would like to admit.  Indeed, reveals more about Obama than he wants to admit.

Before I get into my concerns let me say that I will not go into the details of Wright's comments.  At least a representative smattering of his "sermons" are, by now, out there for all to see and hear.  Suffice it to say they are hateful, racially bigoted, full or half-truths, and outright lies. 

There are now 2 well-documented incidents that open a small window into Obama's soul:
* Michelle Obama's comment that for, "the first time" in her adult life," she was proud of America.
* The 20 year relationship Obama and his family have with Rev. Wright, their avowed "Spiritual Leader".

Let me admit that I can agree that you sometimes must tolerate a less that savory blood relative.  Even in that case, most people will try to limit contact to as little as possible. However, the Rev. Wright is not Obama's uncle as much as he would like us to buy that analogy.  Obama has freely subjected himself and his family to this man for 20 years.

We are now supposed to believe that this man, Wright, has been Obama and his family's "Spiritual Leader" for 20 years, yet Obama condemns the hate and lies that this man spews regularly?  Further, Obama wants us to believe that he was unaware until recently of Wright's venom.  I'm sorry, this stretches credibility beyond all hope of reconciliation.

To some extent we are whom we chose to associate with.  It is not normal for a person to freely associate with someone who has strongly held beliefs that are considered detestable and condemnable by that person.  It is even less common for that person to hold the person in such high regard as to call him, "my Spiritual Leader".

Let me put this another way.  Would you believe me if I said that I condemned and deplored the racist and bigoted views of David Duke if I had associated intimately with David Duke, took my family to hear his speeches nearly every week for 20 years, and considered him my spiritual advisor?

Where do you think Michelle got the view she had about her country?  Could 20 years of listening to Wright spout his garbage create that warped view of history?

Senator Obama is not being honest with the American people.


Anonymous said...

I agree Pops.

Although Keith Olberman seemed to be ok with Obama's answer, I wasn't. Obama is going to have to renounce this guy, but it might be too late. I feel the republicans will win if the democrats select Obama. Chances don't look good for Hillary against McCain either.

It doesn't matter to me, I wanted Ron Paul to win. Everyone else is pretty much the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Also, your David Duke analogy was right on. J