Bail out the poor speculators? Bail out the banks and mortgage companies? As you read and listen to the pundits and others discuss how to ease the U.S. out of the recession we are most certainly in, note how easily they talk about transfering taxpayer's money to private people and companies.
Very few talk about prosecuting these people for the scams they either perpetrated or participated in.
In our country more and more often we see corporate welfare spreading. The bigger and more influential the company the more taxpayer largess flows into it. The fat cats want to and are becoming very successful in PRIVATIZING THEIR PROFITS AND SOCIALIZING THEIR DEBTS.
However, ask if we could spend some taxpayer dollars to provide health care for our citizens and the name calling rises to a crescendo. Socialist! Communist!
Now, I'm not sure if we should go down the road Canada has gone or other socialized medicine plans. But don't you find it ironic that the same people who clamor desparately for help to ease the pain of this recession also shout down socialized medicine? I guess it depends on who's "ox is being gored".
One has nothing to do with the other. Turning over 1/7th of the U.S. economy to the Federal Govt. would be a disaster. Ever been to the DMV? Because that's the future if we socialize health care. Not to mention the tax increase.
I think you are wrong about there being no connection between the 2. They are both using tax dollars for some person or organization's unearned good.
You may well be right that socialized medicine would not be run well by the Govt. That doesn't make it anymore right to help some fat cat out of the jam he has put himself in with a working man's tax dollars.
If England can do it well, and they can and do, then why can't America do it successfully? Going in to socialized medicine with a defeatist attitude will make it fail for sure.
Jared I've heard from Canadians and Brits that say we Americans have no idea what we're getting into. People die waitng to see a doctor in those countries. There's a certain type of diagnostic machine, very expensive, Denver, CO has three. Canada has one! In the entire country, One! And get ready for about 50% of your salary to be taxed. How many bright young med students will go to school for half their life to make 40k-50k a year? not many I can tell you. According to you the govt can't do anything right, but you're willing to give them 1/7th of the economy? it's insanity.
Thats true about Canada. Not at all true about England.
Back to the original point: don't you find it a little strange that Socialized Medicine holds such a bad stigma, but we seem to be OK with bailing out some monied people who made bad choices? Reminds me of the, "WHAT'S GOOD FOR GENERAL MOTORS IS GOOD FOR AMERICA". We seem to be able to justify all kinds of social engineering to save the monied class from any pain, but nothing for the little guy.
I guess the point I was trying to make was that a subsidy is a subsidy. Let the free market decide, because everything the Govt touches turns to crap.
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