A while ago I was having an email conversation about war with someone. I shared my views on this subject with them. They suggested I put this on my blog. So... here it is.
There is a lot of wishful thinking going on in our nation today. And while that is nice, feel good fluff, it should not influence our actions. We must take the world the way it is, not necessarily how we would like it to be. In the world there are and always have been bad people who are willing to subject others to their will through the use of force. It is the same thing that went on in Heaven. Satan desired to rule over all of us and take our agency away. We fought him for our freedom in what was called a war. He was defeated, but he carries on his war or design against us here on Earth. In a real sense, war here is just an extension of that first war in Heaven. That goes for war at any level whether it is a little war you have with a person who breaks into your home or a world war. As long as there are men who are willing to subject others to their will and others who are willing to risk death to secure freedom there will be war.
War can cost more lives than it saves. If preserving life is your ultimate goal then you would probably save more lives by surrendering to the invader who is attempting to subjugate you and yours. He may not want you dead, but just wants to subject you to his will. Life cannot be the ultimate goal. If life is the ultimate goal to a people, they will soon be subjects to a more ruthless power.
War destroys lives, property, and often, human dignity and morality. All sorts of ills are magnified in war. Men can become monsters, doing all manner of evil they would never have done otherwise. It is evil, no doubt. But there are worse evils.
Recently, a semi-famous movie star said that, "War is not the answer!" The truth of that statement really depends on what the question is. Culturally, ask yourself, is the world better because the colonists overthrew the Monarchy in our Revolution? Or take the not so Civil War. Slaves were freed and the South was set upon a more egalitarian path. We lost 500,000 men in the process. Was war the answer when Hitler's Wehrmacht was Goose Stepping across Europe?
If I can use an analogy, the world is made up of Sheep, Sheepdogs, and Wolves. Most of the world are sheep. They move through life taking their ease, enjoying its pleasures with really no thought of harm coming to them. Oh, once in a while they see or hear of another sheep being carried off by a wolf, but that is always so far distant from them. Even when it does happen close to home they still figure it won't happen to them or they conjure up lots of reasons and excuses why the wolf did it. You just need to be more empathetic and try to understand the wolf. Society somehow has failed him. Or they blame the Sheepdogs.
The Sheepdog (another name for him or her is Warrior) really is bred for the fight. He doesn't go looking for it, but is ready and willing to deal death and destruction to any wolf that threatens his sheep, another Sheepdog, or himself. He sniffs out the dangers lurking in the sheep's world and tries to prepare himself and the sheep as best he can. The Sheep are ambivalent about the Sheepdog. On the one hand, he sure is handy to have around if the wolf gets too close, but he is just so darn aggressive. He shows his fangs at times in inappropriate ways and times. He is not always welcome in polite and elite sheep company.
I talked about wolves earlier when describing the war in Heaven. Lest I be misunderstood in what I say below, an analogy can be stretched only so far. There are many Women Warriors, but culturally women have relied on the male to protect her and the family as he is "normally" the physically stronger of the two genders.
So how about natural selection? In the past, the female human has been attracted to the Warrior. Why? He would be the most likely to protect the female and the family from predators. So women are attracted to men who have, what I'll call, the Warrior spirit. They feel safe with the Warrior. But women, speaking generally, don't understand what makes the Warrior tick. And their feminine nature doesn't really like some of the Warrior's, shall we call them, side effects. Fascination with guns, fighting, brutal competitive games, aggressive posturing, and besides they smell and leave the potty seat up! Yet women are attracted to the Warrior nonetheless. Unless culture forces the women to become averse to this type of man. This is happening, to some extent, in our nation. Boys and their natural actions are frowned on and the warrior ethic is literally punished out of him. He is made to be docile and feminine in his manner and even dress. What is a Metrosexual male except a diminished Warrior fretting about how he looks rather than how he can act. So, yes natural selection did favor the breeding of new Warriors, but I wonder if our culture will continue to honor them and therefore continue the breed. The South still retains a healthy Warrior mentality (along with what some would call the undesirable side effects). It is not coincidence that a disproportionate number of our Military come from the Old South.
Europe is working hard to breed the Warrior out of their culture. One of two things will happen to them: Islam will take over and devour them as a culture or they will rise up and drive them from Europe. I'm betting on the Muslims. In its more virulent form, Islam is not compatible with other cultures and will continue to strive against foreign cultures. If they become a majority or even a large minority they will force their will on others.
I don't like war. I hate it and what it does to people. However, it is better than losing my agency to another human. I have and will kill to preserve my freedom, my family, and my nation.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Who said it, when, what was the subject, and what was the occasion.
Answer as many of the above as possible. Points for partial answers.
You know the rules: No peeking!
All very good guesses. It shows you have a good grasp of history to have gotten so close. Aaron got the most right. Most people would guess it was a speech given during or just before war. However, FDR had inherited a country in deep depression. People were down and out and the usual optimistic nation was suffering from a lack of confidence. FDR's first inaugural speech was designed to get the country up and moving again.
Who said it, when, what was the subject, and what was the occasion.
Answer as many of the above as possible. Points for partial answers.
You know the rules: No peeking!
All very good guesses. It shows you have a good grasp of history to have gotten so close. Aaron got the most right. Most people would guess it was a speech given during or just before war. However, FDR had inherited a country in deep depression. People were down and out and the usual optimistic nation was suffering from a lack of confidence. FDR's first inaugural speech was designed to get the country up and moving again.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
"Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees."
Don't Google it. Take a stab with your memory.
Extra points if you can, tell the circumstances leading up to the quote..
OK. That was a tough one. They were the last words of Stonewall Jackson, just before he died. Battle of Chancellorsville - In a wild gamble, Jackson's II Corps had flanked Hooker's Army of the Potomac in an all day march while Longstreet, with only 14,000 men, held off Hooker. Led by Rodes' Division, II Corps slammed into the Federal right flank and in a few hours routed the Army of the Potomac. This lightening strike, Jackson's trademark, so unnerved "Fighting" Joe Hooker that he refused to use the superior power of his army to stand and fight Lee. In the inevitable fog of battle Jackson and his aides became separated from the body of his Corps. And while working their way back, in the dark, Jackson was mistakenly shot by his own men. Surgeons amputated his arm, but it was not enough to save his life. He lingered several days, and died uttering the words above.
Don't Google it. Take a stab with your memory.
Extra points if you can, tell the circumstances leading up to the quote..
OK. That was a tough one. They were the last words of Stonewall Jackson, just before he died. Battle of Chancellorsville - In a wild gamble, Jackson's II Corps had flanked Hooker's Army of the Potomac in an all day march while Longstreet, with only 14,000 men, held off Hooker. Led by Rodes' Division, II Corps slammed into the Federal right flank and in a few hours routed the Army of the Potomac. This lightening strike, Jackson's trademark, so unnerved "Fighting" Joe Hooker that he refused to use the superior power of his army to stand and fight Lee. In the inevitable fog of battle Jackson and his aides became separated from the body of his Corps. And while working their way back, in the dark, Jackson was mistakenly shot by his own men. Surgeons amputated his arm, but it was not enough to save his life. He lingered several days, and died uttering the words above.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Uncle Lester, my last living uncle, is 90 and took care of my Aunt Zola, who died recently at 97. He is in the process of administering her estate. They live in Stockton California. He had her remains cremated and decided to take them back to Kansas to be buried in the family cemetery in Dennis, Kansas, a hard 3 days journey. Each day's drive is about 650 miles. Uncle Lester invited my dad (88) to go along, but he had to stay home with my mom who has the Shingles.
He stopped on the way at my folks in St, George Utah, but only one night. On the last day, near Salina, Kansas he had what he determined to be a mini-stroke. A slight numbness on the left side of his body. Anyway he arrived in Kansas, got Aunt Zola buried, and visited his sister, my Aunt Betty, for about 4 days. He happened to mention the numbness, which threw the family into a panic, including my dad. He would not see a doctor and insisted that he was going to drive back to CA the next day. I volunteered to fly out and meet him in Wichita, but it was too late in the day and he declined the offer anyway.
He did agree to call when he got to Denver or if he encountered any problems on the way. At 5:50 PM he called and was staying at a Motel 6. I asked if he would like to have dinner with us. He said he would, but didn't want to drive anymore so we drove to meet him and had a nice dinner and visit at the Denny's next door. He said the numbness persisted, but he seems to have complete control I watched him for the signs they tell you to look for and I saw none. He said the brain would soon rewire itself and he'd be fine.
He looked fine and I reported it to my dad. He was very relieved. The next day he was up at 4:30, had breakfast and made it into St. George around 6 PM.
He drove on to Stockton the next day. Had to get back to something or other. All this at 90? Those Carson Boys are tough.
In the picture, Uncle Lester is third from the left on the top row. This is all 6 of the Carson boys in their WWII uniforms. Uncle Lester and Leslie were twins. They had white hair from their teens on. Leonard is in the middle bottom row. I'll name them all, top row left to right, then bottom row: Lawrence, Lloyd, Lester, Leslie, Leonard, and Leo. Leo and Lloyd were killed in a car accident less that 3 months after they got home from the war when a drunk hit them head on. Leo was to be married in a month.
Thought you would enjoy this story about six of the Greatest Generation.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
It is better to work on not being offended and not offending others.
Then if that fails, try to forgive those who offend you.
Dredging up old offenses is only destructive and never produces anything but anguish.
No good ever comes from hurting others even if they have wronged you. If you feel you have been wronged, approach the offending party and tell them, in love, what it is that they did to offend you.
It is best to do this after you have forgiven them.
Then if that fails, try to forgive those who offend you.
Dredging up old offenses is only destructive and never produces anything but anguish.
No good ever comes from hurting others even if they have wronged you. If you feel you have been wronged, approach the offending party and tell them, in love, what it is that they did to offend you.
It is best to do this after you have forgiven them.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The June 2008 issue of Consumer Reports' ON HEALTH confirms that a number of "home remedies" do work.
* Saltwater nasal baths, "Neti Pots" help relieve symptoms of Sinusitis, Colds, and Rhinitis. I know this to be true from personal experience. Since using one I have not had a sinus headache.
* Chewing gum hastens normal bowel activity after abdominal surgery, relieves heartburn, and may dull appetite.
* Chicken Soup reduces symptoms of a cold and has a mild effect on inflammation.
* Yogurt relieves diarrhea, eczema in children, urinary infections, shortens a cold, and improves digestive problems.
* Honey works better against coughs than OTC drugs. Honey also has anti-viral and anti-oxidant qualities.
* Cranberries are an almost sure guard against bladder infections. You can also use them as soon as symptoms appear with good effect.
* Staying warm will stop a cold. "An old wives tale"? Nope! Not getting chilled will help you stay cold free.
So there! Yo Momma don tole you! Yo Daddy too.
* Saltwater nasal baths, "Neti Pots" help relieve symptoms of Sinusitis, Colds, and Rhinitis. I know this to be true from personal experience. Since using one I have not had a sinus headache.
* Chewing gum hastens normal bowel activity after abdominal surgery, relieves heartburn, and may dull appetite.
* Chicken Soup reduces symptoms of a cold and has a mild effect on inflammation.
* Yogurt relieves diarrhea, eczema in children, urinary infections, shortens a cold, and improves digestive problems.
* Honey works better against coughs than OTC drugs. Honey also has anti-viral and anti-oxidant qualities.
* Cranberries are an almost sure guard against bladder infections. You can also use them as soon as symptoms appear with good effect.
* Staying warm will stop a cold. "An old wives tale"? Nope! Not getting chilled will help you stay cold free.
So there! Yo Momma don tole you! Yo Daddy too.
Friday, May 9, 2008
CAR-15 and the Old Warbird

The first picture shows the CAR-15, I carried in Vietnam and mentioned on Aaron's blog. Carried is too strong a word. I slung it over my seat in the Chopper. It was originally designed for Special Operations Forces (Green Berets), and the Air Force adopted it for it's Special Ops people, with a few mods. Note the 30 round magazine, not used much in Vietnam except for SOF.
The other picture shows the Huey N Model in full war gear. Note the gunner standing in the slipstream. He is not grandstanding. That was his battle position, ready to "rock and roll", or "Hose" as we called it. We called what the Mini did "hosing" because the tracers (every 5th round) looked like a red stream of water coming from the gun. The gunner could fire at 2000rpm or 4000 rpm depending on the situation. And could bring fire to bear within 3 meters of friendlies in a close fire fight.
He wore a "chicken plate", front and back and an armored helmet. He could aim and fire the Minigun in a 179 degree arc. A gunner was on each side of the chopper.
The 2 pilots sat in armored seats with a "chicken plate" on their torsos, and an armored helmet. The plate could stop an armor piercing AK-47 round.
Look below the gunner's feet at the round canister laying horizontally. It held 2.75 inch rockets used to soften up an enemy that was closing on our SOF Team. Most rounds were HE, but up North we used fleshette rounds for the first 4 we shot. This rocket round had 15,000 little nails about 2 inches long. When fired the rocket went out about 1 Klick then exploded sending the nails in a large cloud into the target. The jungle was so dense and the holes where a chopper could land were so few that the VC had all the holes manned with ambush teams. So before we inserted a team we "nailed the hole". That took care of any ambushers waiting for our team. We found a few VC that got "nailed", so to speak.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
We had a great time in Santa Fe and Taos. I'll let Lizzie speak about her adventures while I was busy learning a little about my profession. I will say that the most moving part of the trip was the back road to Taos and our visit to the Pueblo Taos.
We departed from the four lane way and took, "the road less traveled" through the old Spanish land grant area South and West of Taos. The Santuarios (Chapels) of Chimayo and Las Trampas we visited are nearly 300 years old. That is older than our nation! Many still speak the Castilian Spanish there and often the Catholic Church sends priests from Spain to be their Padres. In many ways It was like traveling back in time. And that made all the difference.
The next day we visited the Pueblo Taos. See the picture. It is the one you see when they want to show a typical Pueblo. Nearly 5 stories tall, made all out of adobe, and logs they call vigas. This village has been under continuous occupation for over 1000 years! I felt something akin to a spiritual experience as I contemplated this rare expression of humanity in a beautiful desert setting.
The far left bloggers and news media are all in a lather about Hillary's interview on O'Reilly's Show the other night. They had threatened all Demo candidates that bad things would happen if they went on FOX at all. Well, Obama went on FOX with Chris Wallace and now Hillary went into the very "Devils Den"!!
And she did well. She and Bill sparred on various issues. Bill pulled no punches and she fought back with well reasoned and hard hitting answers. I was impressed. She didn't come across as shrewish or mean, just tough.
Hill's points are going up since O'Reilly. Some show her within 5 points of Obama in North Carolina.
You have to ask: Why is the left wing so afraid of FOX? Do they worry that their doctrine, for want of a better word, won't stand the scrutiny? Don't they tell us that they are the intellectuals and we "little people" are lost? And what ever happened to Freedom of the Press which really, more broadly, means freedom of expression and free exchange of ideas? You would think they would welcome the opportunity to engage us witless sheep with the idea of leading us back to the "Promised Land. And with their enlightened teachings, maybe we would feel less bitter and cling less to our guns and religion. Umm...maybe not.
And she did well. She and Bill sparred on various issues. Bill pulled no punches and she fought back with well reasoned and hard hitting answers. I was impressed. She didn't come across as shrewish or mean, just tough.
Hill's points are going up since O'Reilly. Some show her within 5 points of Obama in North Carolina.
You have to ask: Why is the left wing so afraid of FOX? Do they worry that their doctrine, for want of a better word, won't stand the scrutiny? Don't they tell us that they are the intellectuals and we "little people" are lost? And what ever happened to Freedom of the Press which really, more broadly, means freedom of expression and free exchange of ideas? You would think they would welcome the opportunity to engage us witless sheep with the idea of leading us back to the "Promised Land. And with their enlightened teachings, maybe we would feel less bitter and cling less to our guns and religion. Umm...maybe not.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
We had just concluded a successful telephone negotiation with a contractor when, as we walked out of the room, I remarked lightheartedly to my bright, young engineer colleague, that our discussion went a lot better than Hillary's campaign. He laughed and said, "I'm for Obama". I couldn't let this moment go without finding out what motivated this 25 y/o obviously intelligent man to want Obama for his President. So I asked him, "Why?"
He then parroted back the Obama campaign slogan of "Change and Hope". Trying to keep this discussion non-confrontational (not my strong suit!) I asked him what Obama was going to change. "Politics as usual", was his reply. I suggested that change can be good, bad or neither, and did he understand that? He acknowledged that was true, but "believed" that Obama would do great and wonderful things if President.
Moving on, I asked my intrepid engineer if he was disturbed by Obama's associations. He wasn't sure what I was referring to, so I mentioned the Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers. He honestly did not know one thing the Rev. had said, so I gave him 3 examples. His rather flippant comment was, to the effect, why condemn someone because their preacher said come controversial statements. I related to him that the Reverend's comments were not controversial. They were lies and completely untrue as anyone in the country with an ounce of sense would know. He reluctantly agreed. Further, I said Obama has picked this man to be his spiritual advisor and freely associated with him for 20 some years. He seemed somewhat befuddled with that statement as if he didn't know that little factoid. I asked him if he or any common man would associate and sit in the pew of a preacher that spewed hate for blacks? He said he wouldn't, but why should you hold bad associates against someone. I suggested that in the world we are judged by the associations we make. He did agree to that.
Finally, I suggested that the candidates, during this election, will promise all kinds of things. They always do, and they seldom deliver because of the built in inertia of our system. I said when it comes down to selecting a President it really comes down to judgement. "Who, when this very dangerous world starts coming apart, will have the good judgement to navigate the country through the mess, without making the mess worse." Then I said, "The common citizen is looking at Obama's associations, his and his wife's elitist statements, and asking, "do I want this man's finger on the nation's trigger"?"
We parted on friendly terms, but I think I gave him some things to think about. In retrospect, however, my engineer is almost the stereotypical Obama supporter. And his views can be summed up in what he told me as he left. He said, "Younger people want change."
I guess all I want is good sound judgement in my President. Something that seems to be in short supply lately.
God Bless America! We need it now more than ever.
He then parroted back the Obama campaign slogan of "Change and Hope". Trying to keep this discussion non-confrontational (not my strong suit!) I asked him what Obama was going to change. "Politics as usual", was his reply. I suggested that change can be good, bad or neither, and did he understand that? He acknowledged that was true, but "believed" that Obama would do great and wonderful things if President.
Moving on, I asked my intrepid engineer if he was disturbed by Obama's associations. He wasn't sure what I was referring to, so I mentioned the Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers. He honestly did not know one thing the Rev. had said, so I gave him 3 examples. His rather flippant comment was, to the effect, why condemn someone because their preacher said come controversial statements. I related to him that the Reverend's comments were not controversial. They were lies and completely untrue as anyone in the country with an ounce of sense would know. He reluctantly agreed. Further, I said Obama has picked this man to be his spiritual advisor and freely associated with him for 20 some years. He seemed somewhat befuddled with that statement as if he didn't know that little factoid. I asked him if he or any common man would associate and sit in the pew of a preacher that spewed hate for blacks? He said he wouldn't, but why should you hold bad associates against someone. I suggested that in the world we are judged by the associations we make. He did agree to that.
Finally, I suggested that the candidates, during this election, will promise all kinds of things. They always do, and they seldom deliver because of the built in inertia of our system. I said when it comes down to selecting a President it really comes down to judgement. "Who, when this very dangerous world starts coming apart, will have the good judgement to navigate the country through the mess, without making the mess worse." Then I said, "The common citizen is looking at Obama's associations, his and his wife's elitist statements, and asking, "do I want this man's finger on the nation's trigger"?"
We parted on friendly terms, but I think I gave him some things to think about. In retrospect, however, my engineer is almost the stereotypical Obama supporter. And his views can be summed up in what he told me as he left. He said, "Younger people want change."
I guess all I want is good sound judgement in my President. Something that seems to be in short supply lately.
God Bless America! We need it now more than ever.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
I read an interesting article on page 60 of the March 24, 08 TIME Magazine.
It was imbedded in an Article of 10 Ideas That Are Changing The World. The gist of the article is that main stream Christians are finally starting to attempt to read the Gospels through the eyes of a Jew. Not just any Jew, but none other than Jesus. They are saying things like if you get Jesus' Jewishness wrong you get Jesus wrong. He was foremost a Jew, culturally and spiritually. Jesus and Paul, the foremost people featured in the New Testament, were profoundly Jewish.
What I found interesting about this movement towards understanding Jesus' cultural and spiritual heritage is that Mormonism has acknowledged this from the very start. Many Christians almost discount the Old Testament, while Mormons are instructed by the teachings found there. Mormonism sees Jesus' teachings as a continuation of the true Jewish religion, not a departure from it.
As an exercise, read Paul's letter to the Romans. Try to feel the Jew Paul as he talks about God fulfilling his covenant with Israel. You get the idea he is speaking as a Jew to Jews. Of course he is. And without beating the reader over the head, I need to say again that Mormonism has long cherished the traditions and covenants made to Israel and celebrates the connectivity to these modern times and to Christianity.
It was imbedded in an Article of 10 Ideas That Are Changing The World. The gist of the article is that main stream Christians are finally starting to attempt to read the Gospels through the eyes of a Jew. Not just any Jew, but none other than Jesus. They are saying things like if you get Jesus' Jewishness wrong you get Jesus wrong. He was foremost a Jew, culturally and spiritually. Jesus and Paul, the foremost people featured in the New Testament, were profoundly Jewish.
What I found interesting about this movement towards understanding Jesus' cultural and spiritual heritage is that Mormonism has acknowledged this from the very start. Many Christians almost discount the Old Testament, while Mormons are instructed by the teachings found there. Mormonism sees Jesus' teachings as a continuation of the true Jewish religion, not a departure from it.
As an exercise, read Paul's letter to the Romans. Try to feel the Jew Paul as he talks about God fulfilling his covenant with Israel. You get the idea he is speaking as a Jew to Jews. Of course he is. And without beating the reader over the head, I need to say again that Mormonism has long cherished the traditions and covenants made to Israel and celebrates the connectivity to these modern times and to Christianity.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Not confirmed, but hot off the ethernet!!!
Word is circulating that Larney Farney AKA "Larney Farney" of the BIG BIG arms was bested in a contest of Arm Wrestling by Bennie Boots AKA "Nacho Libre". Observers of the event were stunned at the loss. Some rumoured that the Champ had been out of training and hitting the noodles a little too heavily.
Reporters on the scene said that the former champ asked for a rematch, only to be humiliated in less that 5 seconds by the determined and very buff Nacho.
No word on how the former champ took his trouncing from the heretofore unknown giant killer. However, he was heard to remark, "I'll be BACK!"
Nacho, always a humble and self effacing gentleman, said with a tear in his eye, and we quote, "Larney was always my hero. He's still a great role model, even if he is loosing his edge."
Ern was heard to offer some consolation to his "little" brother, "Tough noogies", he said.
Word is circulating that Larney Farney AKA "Larney Farney" of the BIG BIG arms was bested in a contest of Arm Wrestling by Bennie Boots AKA "Nacho Libre". Observers of the event were stunned at the loss. Some rumoured that the Champ had been out of training and hitting the noodles a little too heavily.
Reporters on the scene said that the former champ asked for a rematch, only to be humiliated in less that 5 seconds by the determined and very buff Nacho.
No word on how the former champ took his trouncing from the heretofore unknown giant killer. However, he was heard to remark, "I'll be BACK!"
Nacho, always a humble and self effacing gentleman, said with a tear in his eye, and we quote, "Larney was always my hero. He's still a great role model, even if he is loosing his edge."
Ern was heard to offer some consolation to his "little" brother, "Tough noogies", he said.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Lizzie and I just returned from a trip to St. George and Las Vegas. As is our established habit, we flew to Vegas, rented a car, drove to St. George, visited the Grand folks, then returned to Vegas for the business portion and finally flew back home.
I like traveling. It forces me out of my comfort zones giving me fresh perspectives on the human condition. In a nutshell, this trip, my impression is that Americans are a wonderful race. Just a few of my experiences:
Wally Park – We left our Corolla and hopped the Wally shuttle to DIA. In the rush to load our bags into the shuttle, un-noticed by us, the driver grabbed a big black bag I keep in the car for emergencies at the plant. As we were getting off the shuttle I (not mister detail man) walked past the bag saying to my self, “That looks like the bags we use at the plant?” Lizzie (the boys know her as Inspector Gadget) noticed my name on the bag. Now what to do? We didn’t have time to go back to the car!! The driver said he would put it back into the trunk. And true to his word it was there when we returned seven days later.
Advantage Rent a Car – Long line trying to get the car. A nice lady sees the line and comes in from out in the garage to help us. She takes me and makes a deteriorating experience into a pleasant one, even upgrading the car without me asking.
Mandalay Bay – The pleasant Maitre d’ at the Buffet. Made the whole experience brighter and he remembered us, seating us by an open window each time we visited. Which was way too many times!
Taxis – The District would rather we not rent cars for the business portion of our trips. My hats off to the cabbies and the hotel staff that keeps ‘em coming: Always polite and helpful with a little wit thrown in for good measure. I jump in a cab at the Mirage heading for the M’ Bay in high traffic. The Cabbie, a dark skinned Middle Eastern type, says, “Where you from?” I tell him Denver, and to return the favor, ask him where he is from. He replies, “Iraq, are you afraid of me now?!” Thinking as quickly as a 64 y/o man can, I replied laughingly, “ I’m a citizen of the meanest, toughest, most violent country in the world and served this nation in war and peace for 26 years. Why should I be afraid of you? You should be worried about me sitting here behind you in the back seat.” He laughed, and as we weaved through the back streets of Vegas making great time, we had a wonderful conversation about his time in America, his aspirations, and love of freedom.
I usually tip cabbies well. They have a tough job. After paying the fare of a very pleasant East Indian cabbie, he blessed me with a Hindu blessing. I was very touched.
Bellagio – The team that choreographs the Fountain must be delightful people full of talent and humor. We never tire of visiting there.
These are only a few of the experiences I had with super people.
I like traveling. It forces me out of my comfort zones giving me fresh perspectives on the human condition. In a nutshell, this trip, my impression is that Americans are a wonderful race. Just a few of my experiences:
Wally Park – We left our Corolla and hopped the Wally shuttle to DIA. In the rush to load our bags into the shuttle, un-noticed by us, the driver grabbed a big black bag I keep in the car for emergencies at the plant. As we were getting off the shuttle I (not mister detail man) walked past the bag saying to my self, “That looks like the bags we use at the plant?” Lizzie (the boys know her as Inspector Gadget) noticed my name on the bag. Now what to do? We didn’t have time to go back to the car!! The driver said he would put it back into the trunk. And true to his word it was there when we returned seven days later.
Advantage Rent a Car – Long line trying to get the car. A nice lady sees the line and comes in from out in the garage to help us. She takes me and makes a deteriorating experience into a pleasant one, even upgrading the car without me asking.
Mandalay Bay – The pleasant Maitre d’ at the Buffet. Made the whole experience brighter and he remembered us, seating us by an open window each time we visited. Which was way too many times!
Taxis – The District would rather we not rent cars for the business portion of our trips. My hats off to the cabbies and the hotel staff that keeps ‘em coming: Always polite and helpful with a little wit thrown in for good measure. I jump in a cab at the Mirage heading for the M’ Bay in high traffic. The Cabbie, a dark skinned Middle Eastern type, says, “Where you from?” I tell him Denver, and to return the favor, ask him where he is from. He replies, “Iraq, are you afraid of me now?!” Thinking as quickly as a 64 y/o man can, I replied laughingly, “ I’m a citizen of the meanest, toughest, most violent country in the world and served this nation in war and peace for 26 years. Why should I be afraid of you? You should be worried about me sitting here behind you in the back seat.” He laughed, and as we weaved through the back streets of Vegas making great time, we had a wonderful conversation about his time in America, his aspirations, and love of freedom.
I usually tip cabbies well. They have a tough job. After paying the fare of a very pleasant East Indian cabbie, he blessed me with a Hindu blessing. I was very touched.
Bellagio – The team that choreographs the Fountain must be delightful people full of talent and humor. We never tire of visiting there.
These are only a few of the experiences I had with super people.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Not living in the SL Valley, I miss out on many Church related news items. I just learned that Jessop quit the Tab Choir abruptly a few weeks ago. He missed 1 or 2 practices, and a Sunday broadcast then on the next Tuesday practice, he walked in late, read a prepared letter and left! Not the way you expect a Professional to leave his position.
It is interesting him leaving so close to Pes. Hinckley's death. He served almost from the first of Pres. Hinckley's service as Prophet.
Based on the manner he left, I can only surmise that something traumatic has taken place in his personal or professional life.
What, if anything, does anyone know about this event?
It is interesting him leaving so close to Pes. Hinckley's death. He served almost from the first of Pres. Hinckley's service as Prophet.
Based on the manner he left, I can only surmise that something traumatic has taken place in his personal or professional life.
What, if anything, does anyone know about this event?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
DOG'S DEATH, by John Updike
She must have been kicked unseen or brushed by a car.
Too young to know much, she was beginning to learn
To use the newspapers spread on the kitchen floor
And to win, wetting there, the words, "Good dog! Good dog!"
We thought her shy malaise was a shot reaction
The autopsy disclosed a rupture in her liver.
As we teased her with play, blood was filling her skin
And her heart was learning to lie down forever.
Monday morning, as the children were noisily fed
And sent to school, she crawled beneath the youngsters bed.
We found her twisted and limp but still alive.
In the car to the vet's, on my lap she tried
To bite my hand and died. I stroked her warm fur
And my wife called in a voice imperious with tears.
Though surrounded by love that would have upheld her,
Nevertheless she sank and, stiffened, disappeared.
Back home, we found that in the night her frame,
Drawing near to dissolution, had endured the shame
Of diarrhoea and had dragged across the floor
To a newspaper carelessly left there. Good dog.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Bail out the poor speculators? Bail out the banks and mortgage companies? As you read and listen to the pundits and others discuss how to ease the U.S. out of the recession we are most certainly in, note how easily they talk about transfering taxpayer's money to private people and companies.
Very few talk about prosecuting these people for the scams they either perpetrated or participated in.
In our country more and more often we see corporate welfare spreading. The bigger and more influential the company the more taxpayer largess flows into it. The fat cats want to and are becoming very successful in PRIVATIZING THEIR PROFITS AND SOCIALIZING THEIR DEBTS.
However, ask if we could spend some taxpayer dollars to provide health care for our citizens and the name calling rises to a crescendo. Socialist! Communist!
Now, I'm not sure if we should go down the road Canada has gone or other socialized medicine plans. But don't you find it ironic that the same people who clamor desparately for help to ease the pain of this recession also shout down socialized medicine? I guess it depends on who's "ox is being gored".
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
We watched a great movie the other night. Well directed by Sean Penn. It is a true story about a young man who grew up in an abusive family. He graduates from college, gives his money for grad school to a charity and goes on an Odyssey, through the American West. His goal is to go to Alaska and live in the wild. But on the way he meets, associates with and touches the lives of several people. He finds in many of them the family he never had, but persists in his dream of going into the wild. In the end he finds that he had found what he was looking for in the loving relationships he nurtured on his travels.
In life, I think, we all tend to search for something better, often to find that the "better" was right in front of us all the while. We humans are always planning, planning, and plan we must. I know why I love dogs. They live in the moment. All there all the time. They don't look back and they don't look too much into the future. I think that attitude is what the Savior meant when he said, "Take therefore no thought for the morrow ...". Like in the song, Live Like You Are Dying. Because in truth we all are.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
More Gomma Gooma Men
Gomma Goomma Men
Obama and Reverend Wright
I believe Obama's 20 year association with the Rev. Wright reveals more about Obama than most of the media would like to admit. Indeed, reveals more about Obama than he wants to admit.
Before I get into my concerns let me say that I will not go into the details of Wright's comments. At least a representative smattering of his "sermons" are, by now, out there for all to see and hear. Suffice it to say they are hateful, racially bigoted, full or half-truths, and outright lies.
There are now 2 well-documented incidents that open a small window into Obama's soul:
* Michelle Obama's comment that for, "the first time" in her adult life," she was proud of America.
* The 20 year relationship Obama and his family have with Rev. Wright, their avowed "Spiritual Leader".
Let me admit that I can agree that you sometimes must tolerate a less that savory blood relative. Even in that case, most people will try to limit contact to as little as possible. However, the Rev. Wright is not Obama's uncle as much as he would like us to buy that analogy. Obama has freely subjected himself and his family to this man for 20 years.
We are now supposed to believe that this man, Wright, has been Obama and his family's "Spiritual Leader" for 20 years, yet Obama condemns the hate and lies that this man spews regularly? Further, Obama wants us to believe that he was unaware until recently of Wright's venom. I'm sorry, this stretches credibility beyond all hope of reconciliation.
To some extent we are whom we chose to associate with. It is not normal for a person to freely associate with someone who has strongly held beliefs that are considered detestable and condemnable by that person. It is even less common for that person to hold the person in such high regard as to call him, "my Spiritual Leader".
Let me put this another way. Would you believe me if I said that I condemned and deplored the racist and bigoted views of David Duke if I had associated intimately with David Duke, took my family to hear his speeches nearly every week for 20 years, and considered him my spiritual advisor?
Where do you think Michelle got the view she had about her country? Could 20 years of listening to Wright spout his garbage create that warped view of history?
Senator Obama is not being honest with the American people.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I remembered some more about that picture after visiting with J. The Hippy movement was very new in 1965 and even more mysterious to us sheltered BYU students. The closest thing we could come to dressing like hippies was the Beatnik style that we knew about from the 50's and early 60's. The Hippy style evolved into tie dyed shirts and flowery dresses for the girls. No makeup, etc. The guys had long hair and really grungy clothes.
Anyway, we thought we were cool and on the edge. Especially on a campus that did not allow blue jeans, hair over the ears, T Shirts, beards or mustaches. And girls had to wear dresses, even on the coldest of mornings. Of course the dresses had to touch the floor if someone in authority had you kneel on the floor. No pants except at the bowling alley in the new Wilkinson Center. And it goes without saying that the Center had no pool tables. An instrument of the Devil for corrupting the youth.
The University had no rules against playing cards, but Joseph Fielding Smith had written that spotted playing cards were of the Devil. So my room mates and I would sit out on the front porch of the Boyack House where we lived (near the site of the present Marriott Center) and play Hearts. Our poor Dorm Resident would come by regularly and ask us fervently to play the cards indoors as it upset the faculty that drove by. We continued to play on the porch. When it got too cold to play outdoors we played in front of the picture window with the curtain open. We were rowdy boys.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Let those who are in favor with their stars
Of public honour and proud titles boast,
Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars,
Unlook'd for joy in that I honour most.
Great princes' favourites their fair leaves spread
But as the marigold at the sun's eye,
And in Themselves their price lies buried,
For at a frown they in their glory die.
The painful warrior famoused for fight,
After a thousand victories once foil'd,
Is from the book of honour razed quite,
And all the rest forgot for which he toiled:
Then happy I, that love and am beloved
Where I may not remove nor be removed.
William Shakespeare
Let those who are in favor with their stars
Of public honour and proud titles boast,
Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars,
Unlook'd for joy in that I honour most.
Great princes' favourites their fair leaves spread
But as the marigold at the sun's eye,
And in Themselves their price lies buried,
For at a frown they in their glory die.
The painful warrior famoused for fight,
After a thousand victories once foil'd,
Is from the book of honour razed quite,
And all the rest forgot for which he toiled:
Then happy I, that love and am beloved
Where I may not remove nor be removed.
William Shakespeare
My aim is to have several, call them, departments on my blog. I'll try to display a picture about once a week, with a short commentary. That's the Window Into the Past. Also the blog will have a quote about once a week; sometimes deep, most times not so deep. Once in a while, a bit of poetry that I find enlightening. And ever so often a discussion on life, past, present, or future. I'll review a book occasionally too.
And I hope you will feel free to comment or create a discussion on any of them. I haven't yet figured out how to have a comment placed below a picture so feel free as J did to just drop it in anywhere. Maybe soon I'll figure it out.
And I hope you will feel free to comment or create a discussion on any of them. I haven't yet figured out how to have a comment placed below a picture so feel free as J did to just drop it in anywhere. Maybe soon I'll figure it out.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Comanchee Moon, by Larry McMurtrey is the second in the Lonesome Dove Trilogy. Set in pre and post Civil War Texas, the book introduces the reader to the Lonesome Dove heroes, Gus and Woodrow in their middle years. You'll get to know Maggie and wonder, again, why Woodrow didn't marry her. And you will confirm your understanding of why Clara doesn't marry Gus. McMurtrey presents both the White settlers and the Native Americans honestly with no hint of patronizing. He can portray the bravery of the Comanchee Warrior culture and their savagery with equal honesty. The whites with their sanctimonious view of the "savages" are portrayed along with their own materialistic society. Read it. If you've read Lonesome Dove, you will fall in love with Gus and Woodrow all over again. And you will find some new interesting and lovable characters. You will love Fancy Shoes!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time." Said Frodo. "So do I," Said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
JRR Tolkien - The Fellowship of the Ring
JRR Tolkien - The Fellowship of the Ring
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